2025 : 1 : 16
Amin Abbasi

Amin Abbasi

Academic rank: Associate Professor
Education: PhD.
Faculty: Faculty of Agriculture
Phone: +984137278001


Graphic analysis of various sulfur applications on safflower fatty acids profile
fatty acids profile, oil percent, treatment by trait biplot analysis
Journal Biotechnologia
Researchers Naser Sabaghnia ، Mostafa Fattahi ، Mohsen Janmohammadi ، Amin Abbasi


In this study, we examined the effects of seven different sulfur treatments on safflower seeds. The treatments included: no sulfur application (S0), 25 kg/ha of pure bulk sulfur (S25), 50 kg/ha of pure bulk sulfur (S50), 25 kg/ha of sulfur phosphate (Sp25), 50 kg/ha of sulfur phosphate (Sp50), 25 kg/ha of zinc sulfate (Zs25), and 50 kg/ha of zinc sulfate (Zs50). Our evaluation covered various seed quality attributes, including ash percentage (ASH), oil percentage (OIL), and protein percentage (PRO). Additionally, we analyzed the fatty acid composition, including palmitic acid 16 : 0 (PAL), stearic acid 18 : 0 (STE), oleic acid 18 : 1 (OLE), linoleic acid 18 : 2 (LINL), arachidic acid 20 : 0 (ARA), and linolenic acid 18 : 3 (LINN). The vector-view of the biplot illustrated positive associations among the fatty acids STE, PAL, and OLE, whereas ASH exhibited negative associations with OIL, LINL, and LINN. The polygon-view graph was divided into four sectors, with the genotype S50 emerging as the top performer for attributes such as OIL, PRO, LINL, ARA, and LINN. Treatment Zs50 occupied the vertex of another sector and displayed the highest values for palmitic acid PAL, STE, and OLE, while treatment S0 was positioned at the vertex of the next sector, characterized by its high ASH content. By utilizing the ideal tester tool of treatment by trait biplot, we identified OIL as the desirable trait that most effectively represented the data. The qualitative properties of safflower oil were notably influenced by sulfur application, with treatment S50 proving to be the most effective in enhancing these properties.