2024 : 12 : 26
ََAmir Abbas Barzegari

ََAmir Abbas Barzegari

Academic rank: Assistant Professor
Education: PhD.
Faculty: 1


Internet pornography addiction: from fantasy to reality
Pornography, Addiction,Neuroscience
Researchers ََAmir Abbas Barzegari


Background and Aim : During the last decades, public access to explicitly sexual materials, nowadays known as pornography, is on the rise. One of the biggest reasons for the prevalence of pornography in public is the appearance of new media especially high speed internet. Some researchers consider the over-consuming the sexually explicit materials through internet as internet pornography addiction. Here we discuss some neuroscience evidences that may support the idea of internet pornography addiction Methods : Pub Med, EMBASE, PsychINFO and Google Scholar were searched for combinations of the following words: Behavioral addiction, Internet Pornography addiction, Pornography and brain, Pornography and neurotransmitters, Neurobiology and pornography, pornography and neuroscience. The combinations of the words were searched in the websites since 1990 as in the year public access to internet made possible . Results : Nowadays, the concept of addiction has a broader meaning and in addition to drug addiction behavioral addiction has entered to the field of addiction. New evidences indicate that dopaminergic system of brain mediates both kind of addiction. DeltaFosB is a transcription factor that increases sensitivity in the reward pathway and promotes positive reinforcement of addictive behaviors. It has been well established that drugs of abuse elevate the levels of DeltaFosB in the reward system. It leads to an enhanced response to rewards, reward related cues and increased sensitivity to addiction. Recent studies showed that not only the drugs of abuse but also natural rewards like sex increase the level of DeltaFosB in the nucleus accumbens. Naltrexone is one of the medications that have been prescribed for many years in treatment of opioid addiction. The drug decreases the dopamine release in response to rewards. Bostwick J.M. and Bucci J.A. reported a case that a male person with internet sex addiction treated with naltrexone successfully. Since the drug commonly us