علی شکری

علی شکری

مرتبه علمی: استاد
تحصیلات: دکترای تخصصی
دانشکده: دانشکده علوم پایه

مشخصات پژوهش

Algorithms of algebraic order nine for numerically solving second-order boundary and initial value problems in ordinary differential equations
نوع پژوهش
two-step algorithms; ninth order algebraic methods; second orderinitial and boundary value problem; Michaelis-Menten oxygen diffusionproblem; van der Pol oscillatory probl em; Bratu’s BVP in one-dimensionalplanar coordinates. (PDF) Algorithms of algebraic order nine for numerically solving second-order boundary and initial value problems in ordinary differential equations. Available from: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/361583505_Algorithms_of_algebraic_order_nine_for_numerically_solving_second-order_boundary_and_initial_value_problems_in_ordinary_differential_equations [accessed Jul 30 2023].
مجله International Journal of Mathematics in Operational Research
شناسه DOI
پژوهشگران Ezekiel Olaoluwa Omole ، Friday O. Obarhua ، Adefunke Bosede Familua ، Ali Shokri Shokri


A new numerical algorithm comprising of two-step with six off-step points is presented in this paper. The new method adopted interpolation of the approximate solution and collocation of the differential system in the development of the methods. The main method and its supplementary methods are combined to form the required integrators which are self- tarting in nature. The implementation strategy is discussed and the new method has an algebraic order nine with significant properties that vindicate its effectiveness when applied to solve some standard second-order initial and boundary problems of ordinary differential equations such as nonlinear problem, variable coefficient problem, stiff problem, two body problem, Classical nonlinear Bratu’s BVP in one-dimensional planar coordinates, Troesch’s problem, Michaelis-Menten oxygen diffusion problem with uptake kinetic and the van der Pol oscillatory problem. The comparison of the new methods with some already existing methods confirmed that the method gives better accuracy. The effectiveness and efficiency are also demonstrated in the curves.