September 16, 2024
Hamid Hatami Maleki

Hamid Hatami Maleki

Academic rank: Associate professor
Education: PhD.
Faculty: Faculty of Agriculture


evaluation of qualitative characteristics of sugar beet genotypes using multivariate statistical analysis
Type Presentation
genetic diversity, classification of germplasm, sugar of sugar beet
Researchers Hamid Hatami Maleki


sugar producing plants in the world, which is often cultivated in temperate, Mediterranean and dry regions of the world. Knowledge of the genetic diversity in the genotypes of this plant is the basis for choosing suitable parents in plant breeding programs. This research aimed to evaluate the genetic diversity of 20 sugar beet monogerm hybrids at the Miandoab Agricultural Research Station in the 95-96 crop year. The attributes of gross sugar percentage, sodium, potassium, harmful nitrogen, alkalinity, extractable sugar percentage, sugar extraction coefficient and molasses sugar were measured. Based on the results of variance analysis of qualitative traits, there was considerable genetic diversity in the investigated sugar beet germplasm. Based on the investigated qualitative traits, the genotype 7112 * SB36 * 31283 - P.9 had the lowest amount of gross sugar percentage and extractable sugar percentage. And the genotype 7112 * SB36 * 31285 - P1 has the highest amount of these parameters. In this study, the lowest and highest amount of molasses sugar was observed in F-20707 and F-20704 genotypes, respectively. The grouping of the studied germplasm using qualitative characteristics placed them in four separate groups. According to the cluster analysis, there were different heterotic groups in the examined germplasm, and this provides the possibility of benefiting from the phenomenon of heterosis in the genetic improvement of quality traits of sugar beet.