September 16, 2024
Hamid Hatami Maleki

Hamid Hatami Maleki

Academic rank: Associate professor
Education: PhD.
Faculty: Faculty of Agriculture


Molecular evidence depicts genetic divergence among Agropyron elongatum and A. cristatum accessions from gene pool of Iran
Type Article
Agropyron, Gene pool, population structure
Journal PLoS One
Researchers Hamid Hatami Maleki، ، Fatemeh Firouzkuhi، ، Hossein Zeinalzadeh


The genus Agropyron has an important role in soil protection and forage production in rangelands. The investigation utilized 37 ISSR primers, resulting in the detection of 956 loci within the A. elongatum genome and 705 loci within the A. cristatum genome. The findings revealed a high level of polymorphism, with 97% of loci in A. elongatum and 84% of loci in A. cristatum exhibiting variability. Notably, the primer (AC)8GCT emerged as a promising candidate for evaluating genetic diversity due to its ability to amplify numerous loci in both species. Using both the UPGMA algorithm and Bayesian analysis, the examined Agropyron accessions were categorized into two subgroups based on their respective species. The Q values associated with these subgroups suggested that certain accessions, namely "G16," "G19," "G20," "G21," "G22," "G23," "G24," and "G25," displayed potential admixture genomes. An analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) underscored the significance of within-species variability, which accounted for 69% of the overall diversity, compared to between-species variability at 31%. Various genetic diversity parameters, including Na, Ne, I, He, and the number of private loci, were found to be higher in A. elongatum when compared to A. cristatum. Furthermore, Jaccard similarity coefficients ranged from 0.33 to 0.66 in A. cristatum and from 0.25 to 0.7 in A. elongatum, indicating the extent of genetic relatedness among these species. Intriguingly, the study identified two and three heterotic groups in A. cristatum and A. elongatum, respectively, which could be harnessed in the development of synthetic varieties to exploit heterosis. The results also indicated that a small proportion of ISSR loci pairs (5.2% in A. elongatum and 0.5% in A. cristatum) exhibited significant levels of linkage disequilibrium (LD) (P�0.05), suggesting the potential utility of LD-based association mapping in Agropyron species. In conclusion, this research sheds light on the genetic diversity o