May 19, 2024
Masoud Asghari

Masoud Asghari

Academic rank: Assistant professor
Address: University of Maragheh, Maragheh, Iran
Education: PhD. in Computer networks
Phone: 041-37278880
Faculty: Faculty of Engineering


Game Theoretic Modeling of Zero-Rating Internet Provisioning, Encyclopedia of Wireless Networks
Type Book
Free basics,, Sponsored content, Sponsored data, Zero-rating
Researchers Masoud Asghari، Saleh Yousefi، Dusit Niyato


Zero-rating Internet is the concept of allowing end-users to access the basic services of some websites via mobile network operators (MNOs) without charge. More specifically, the MNO does not subtract data usage of zero-rated services from the end-users’ data quota. Sponsored content (i.e., sponsored data) is a similar context to zero-rating, where the end-users still get access to some websites and contents for free or with a discount. However, unlike zero-rating, in sponsored content the websites pay the cost of the sponsored contents’ bandwidth to the MNOs. A zero-rating platform is a relaying service which allows websites to easily make their content available as zero-rating through the platform.