June 2, 2024
Morteza Fattahpour Marandi

Morteza Fattahpour Marandi

Academic rank: Assistant professor
Address: University of Maragheh , Faculty of Humanities, Department of Sports Sciences
Education: PhD. in Sports science - Management and planning of physical education
Phone: 04137279094
Faculty: Faculty of Human sciences


Development of sports culture in the academic community
Type Presentation
human resources, sport culture, university, development, physical activity
Researchers Morteza Fattahpour Marandi، Daryush Marefat


Introduction: Introduction: The word culture has wide and numerous concepts for which more than five hundred definitions have been given in different sources. Each point of view has defined the word culture according to the desired goals or its own philosophy. There are various differences and similarities in the mentioned definitions, some of the most general and general ones are presented in this area. In a general definition, culture consists of all beliefs, values, norms, language and human structures (Anwar al-Khouli, 2017). Promoting the sports culture and accepting it as one of the beliefs, norms and useful habits among the people is one of the goals that the managers and planners of the communities are aiming for and they are putting all their efforts towards the development and expansion of the sports culture. Cultivation and generalization of sports in any society depends on the generalization and promotion of effective factors in this matter. In other words, all the achievements, findings and abilities of the social man are placed in the form of the concept of culture and are referred to the habits or functions that are repeatable and acceptable in the society. Methodology: This research is one of the types of descriptive-correlation research that has been implemented in the field. A questionnaire (Kashif, 2019) was used to collect research data. Face validity has been confirmed by professors and experts, and the internal stability of the tool has been calculated during a pilot study with Cronbach's alpha method of 0.86. The statistical population of the research was all students of Maragheh University. According to the statistics provided by the university, the number of the community was 3800 people and the sample size of the research was determined to be 360 people. After preparing and multiplying the questionnaire to the number of subjects and distributing it to them in person or online, it was collected after a few days and immediately all research d