2025 : 1 : 2
Naser Sabaghnia

Naser Sabaghnia

Academic rank: Professor
Education: PhD.
Faculty: 1


Nonparametric stability analysis for disease properties of common bunt in wheat
coefficient of infection, disease severity, dynamic stability, infection type
Journal Iranian Journal Of Genetics And Plant Breeding
Researchers ، amir mirzadi gihari ، hamidreza pouralibaba ، mahmoud moradi ، farshid mahmoudi ، Naser Sabaghnia ، Hamid Hatami Maleki


Common Paper Research of kinds spring and winter both of quality and performance yield the in decrease to resistance of properties stability the identify to aimed research This .wheat disease ,measurements three using genotypes wheat 150 among bunt common were trials Field .)IT (type infection and ,)CI (infection of coefficient ,)DS (severity during Kurdistan and ,Kermanshah ,Maragheh ,locations three in conducted stability nonparametric fourteen via performed was analysis Stability 2018-2020. favorable most the were 63G and 38G genotypes that showed Results .statistics disease high as well as statistics stability nonparametric on based genotypes dendrograms circular The .measurements IT and ,CI ,DS to according resistance II cluster whereas clusters ten into genotypes wheat classified ,IT and ,CI ,DS of of selection simultaneous for while stability and DS on based considered be must X cluster following IX cluster ,IT on based genotypes resistant as well as stable most as well as ,stable most the of selection simultaneous The .regarded be must the separated factor first The .possible not was ,CI on based genotypes resistant factor of plot the in methods other the from DS as well as MR and ,Fox 6,S 3,S and 2,NS 1,NS methods the separated factor first the ,plot CI the in while analysis MR as well as IT the separates factor first the ,IT in and methods other the from MR Fox The .concept stability dynamic illustrated and methods other the from Fox and consistently are they because analysis stability for used be can methods MR and .concept stability dynamic the and resistance to related