Introduction and Objective: Antibiotic-resistant bacterial infections have de-scribed as a threatening factor in healthcare of hu-mans recently. Phage therapyas an alternative method to use antibiotics, would be a helpful strategy for con-trolling the infections. In the current study, lytic bac-teriophages (phages) were isolated againsturinary tract antibiotic-resistant E. coli (Escherichia coli) bac-teria, were performed and morphological characteri-zation of the selected phage was determined. Materials and Methods A total of 55 E. coli isolates from urinary tract infec-tions, were obtained from different clinical laborato-ries of Maragheh, were subjected to antibiotic sensi-tivity evaluation using disk diffusion method. Ten an-tibiotic-resistant isolates were selected. At least one lytic phage was isolated against each of ten selected E.coli bacteria by spot test and plaque assay using double-layer agar overlaytechnique. The bacterio-phage with the broadest host range was morphologi-cally characterizedwith transmission electron micros-copy. Results 20% of all isolates of E. coli were resistant to six or more used antibiotics. Ten lytic bacteriophages against selected isolates were gained from wastewater around Maragheh. Effectiveness of isolated lytic phages against the multi-drug resistant E. Coli bacte-ria were confirmed. Results of morphologic proper-ties of the bacteriophage with broad host range will be presented in the congress. Conclusion Using lytic bacteriophages would be an effective bio-control method to combat antibiotic-resistant E.coli strains from urinary tract infections.