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Title Soil‑based nano‑graphene oxide and foliar selenium and nano‑Fe influence physiological responses of ’Sultana’ grape under salinity
Type JournalPaper
Keywords nanoparticle, grape, foliar spary
Abstract Salinity is a worldwide stressor that influences the growth and productivity of plants. Some novel compounds like; graphene oxide and nutrients such as Se and Fe especially as nano form may improve plant responses to the environmental stress factors. The soil‑based graphene oxide (0, 50, and 100 g kg−1 ) and the foliar applications of Se and nano‑Fe (control and 3 mg L −1 ) were assayed on grapevine cv. Sultana under salinity (0, 50, and 100 mM NaCl). The top flavonoids, chlorophyll b, and plant dry weight belonged to graphene oxide and nano‑Fe applications. CAT activity was improved in response to Se, nano‑Fe, and graphene oxide (50 g kg −1 ). The least Fe, K, Se, N, Mg, Mn, and Zn content was recorded for 100 mM NaCl. In contrast, the higher data for K, Se, Ca, Mg, Zn and Mn were acquired with graphene oxide × foliar treatments. In general, graphene oxide treatment (50 g kg −1 ) × nano‑Fe and Se foliar use ameliorated the adverse salinity effects with the improved biochemical and physiological responses of Sultana grape.
Researchers Mohammad Ali Aazami (First Researcher), Farzad Rasouli (Fifth Researcher), Mohammad Bagher Hassanpouraghdam (Fourth Researcher), Tahereh Hashemi (Third Researcher), Lamia Vojodi Mehrabani (Second Researcher)