Name Affiliation نامشخص Degree _ Website Email — JournalPaper Presentation FinishedProject Book Thesis Speech Innovation ResearchExcellence Sabbatical TheorizingChair GrantAttraction WorkShop Membership JournalPublication ExecutiveActivity TitleJournal 1 DESCRIPTION OF A NEW SPECIES OF ANOPLOCHEYLUS BERLESE, 1910 (ACARI: TROMBIDIFORMES: PSEUDOCHEYLIDAE) FROM IRAN Acarologia 2 Raphignathoid mite fauna of fields and orchards of Marand (Northwestern Iran) with two new records from Iran and six new records for East Azerbaijan province Persian Journal of Acarology 3 A new species and new record of Stigmaeus Koch (Acari:Stigmaeidae) from northwest Iran SYSTEMATIC AND APPLIED ACAROLOGY 4 Storchia mehrvari, a new species of the genus Storchia Oudemans, 1923 (Acari: Stigmaeidae) from Northwest Iran International Journal of Acarology 5 Stigmaeus miandoabiensis sp. nov. (Acari: Trombidiformes: Stigmaeidae), with redescription of S. siculus (Berlese, 1883) from Iran SYSTEMATIC AND APPLIED ACAROLOGY 6 RAPHIGNATHUS AZARSHAHRIENSIS N. SP. (ACARI: TROMBIDIFORMES: RAPHIGNATHIDAE) FROM NORTHWEST IRAN Acarologia 7 Two new species of the genus Anoplocheylus Berlese, 1910 (Acari: Trombidiformes: Pseudocheylidae) from Iran ZOOTAXA