Effective information bounds in modified quantum mechanics
, Hooman Moradpour, Salman Sajad Wani, Francesco Marino, N. A Shah, Mir Faizal
Friedmann equations of the fractal apparent horizon
, Shahram Jalalzadeh, a. Sayahian Jahromi, Hooman Moradpour
On the thermodynamics of reconciling quantum and gravity
Hooman Moradpour, Shahram Jalalzadeh, Umesh Kumar Sharma
Tsallisian non-extensive stars
Hooman Moradpour, Mohsen Javaherian, , Shahram Jalalzadeh
Modified cosmology from quantum deformed entropy
Shahram Jalalzadeh, Hooman Moradpour, Paulo Vargas Moniz
Generalized uncertainty principle and burning stars
Hooman Moradpour, Amir Hadi Ziaie, Naser Sadeghnezhad, ali Ghasemi
Gamow Temperature in Tsallis and Kaniadakis Statistics
Hooman Moradpour, Mohsen Javaherian, , Amir Hadi Ziaie
On some applications of the Sagnac effect
Amir Hadi Ziaie, Hooman Moradpour, Valdir B Bezerra, A Jawad
The third law of thermodynamics, non-extensivity and energy definition in black hole physics
Hooman Moradpour, Amir Hadi Ziaie, Iarley P. Lobo, J. P. Morais Graça, Umesh Kumar Sharma, a. Sayahian Jahromi
H0 tension and uncertainty principles
Hooman Moradpour, , Christian Corda, Naser Sadeghnezhad
Kaniadakis holographic dark energy in nonflat universe
Umesh Kumar Sharma, Vipin Dubey, Amir Hadi Ziaie, Hooman Moradpour
Minimal length implications on the Hartree–Fock theory
, Hooman Moradpour, M Bahadoran, Amir Hadi Ziaie
Non-singular collapse scenario from matter–curvature coupling
Amir Hadi Ziaie, Hooman Moradpour, Mohammad Mohammadi Sabet
Tsallis uncertainty
Hooman Moradpour, Amir Hadi Ziaie, Christian Corda
Non-minimal coupling inspires the Dirac cosmological model
Hooman Moradpour, Hamid Shabani, Amir Hadi Ziaie, Umesh Kumar Sharma
Structure formation in generalized Rastall gravity
Amir Hadi Ziaie, Hooman Moradpour, Hamid Shabani
Holographic dark energy in Rastall theory
Shayesteh Ghaffari, Abdulla Al Mamon, Hooman Moradpour, Amir Hadi Ziaie
Thin-shell wormholes in Rastall gravity
Iarley P. Lobo, M. G. Richarte, J. P. Morais Graça, Hooman Moradpour
Inflation in the Re'nyi cosmology
Shayesteh Ghaffari, Amir Hadi Ziaie, Valdir B Bezerra, Hooman Moradpour
The extended uncertainty principle inspires the R´enyi entropy
Hooman Moradpour, Christian Corda, Amir Hadi Ziaie, Shayesteh Ghaffari
Black hole thermodynamics in the Sharma-Mittal generalized entropy formalism
Shayesteh Ghaffari, Amir Hadi Ziaie, Hooman Moradpour, Fereshteh Asghariyan, Fabiano Feleppa, m Tavayef
Gravitational Collapse in Rastall Gravity
Amir Hadi Ziaie, Hooman Moradpour, Shayesteh Ghaffari
Tsallis agegraphic dark energy model
M. Abdollahi Zadeh, A Sheykhi, Hooman Moradpour
On the general relativistic framework of the Sagnac effect
E. Benedetto, Fabiano Feleppa, Ignazio Licata, Hooman Moradpour, Christian Corda
Note on Tsallis holographic dark energy
M. Abdollahi Zadeh, A Sheykhi, Hooman Moradpour, K. Bamba
Thermodynamic approach to holographic dark energy and the Rényi entropy
Hooman Moradpour, S. Amin Moosavi, Iarley P. Lobo, J. P. Morais Graça, A Jawad, I. G. Salako
Tsallis holographic dark energy in the Brans–Dicke cosmology
Shayesteh Ghaffari, Hooman Moradpour, Iarley P. Lobo, J. P. Morais Graça, Valdir B Bezerra
Tsallis holographic dark energy in the brane cosmology
Shayesteh Ghaffari, Hooman Moradpour, Valdir B Bezerra, J. P. Morais Graça, Iarley P. Lobo
Energy Definition and Dark Energy: A Thermodynamic Analysis
Hooman Moradpour, J. P. Morais Graça, Iarley P. Lobo, I. G. Salako
Tsallis holographic dark energy
m Tavayef, A Sheykhi, K. Bamba, Hooman Moradpour
Thermodynamics of black holes in Rastall gravity
Iarley P. Lobo, Hooman Moradpour, J. P. Morais Graça, I. G. Salako
Generalized entropy formalism and a new holographic dark energy model
a. Sayahian Jahromi, S. Amin Moosavi, Hooman Moradpour, J. P. Morais Graça, Iarley P. Lobo, A Jawad, I. G. Salako
Einstein and Rastall theories of gravitation in comparison
F. Darabi, Hooman Moradpour, Ignazio Licata, y Heydarzade, Christian Corda
Accelerated cosmos in a nonextensive setup
Hooman Moradpour, Alexander Bonilla, E. M. C Abreu, J. A. Neto
Static traversable wormholes in Lyra manifold
a. Sayahian Jahromi, Hooman Moradpour
Relativistic Bose-Einstein condensates thin-shell wormholes
M. G. Richarte, I. G. Salako, J. P. Morais Graça, Hooman Moradpour, ali Övgün
Entropic gravity from noncommutative black holes
R. C. Nunes, Hooman Moradpour, E. M Barboza Jr, E. M. C Abreu, J. A. Neto
Thermodynamic Analysis of Gravitational Field Equations in Lyra Manifold
Hooman Moradpour, Naser Sadeghnezhad, Shayesteh Ghaffari, Akbar Jahan
Black hole solutions in Rastall theory
y Heydarzade, Hooman Moradpour, F. Darabi
One and two spin-1/2 particle systems under the Lorentz transformations
Hooman Moradpour, M Bahadoran, p Youplao, p Yupapin, ali Ghasemi
A generalization to the Rastall theory and cosmic eras
Hooman Moradpour, y Heydarzade, F. Darabi, I. G. Salako
A survey of the new proposal about the photon momentum
M Bahadoran, Hooman Moradpour, J. Ali, R. R. Poznanski
Relativistic three-partite non-locality
Hooman Moradpour, Afshin Montakhab