June 2, 2024

Hooman Moradpour

Academic rank: Associate professor
Education: PhD.
Phone: -
Faculty: Research Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics


Thermodynamic Analysis of the Static Spherically Symmetric Field Equations in Rastall Theory
Type Article
Modified gravity; non-minimal coupling; thermodynamics
Journal Advances in High Energy Physics
DOI 10.1155/2016/3492796
Researchers Hooman Moradpour، I. G. Salako


The restrictions on the Rastall theory due to application of the Newtonian limit to the theory are derived. In addition, we use the zero-zero component of the Rastall field equations as well as the unified first law of thermodynamics to find the Misner-Sharp mass content confined to the event horizon of the spherically symmetric static spacetimes in the Rastall framework. The obtained relation is calculated for the Schwarzschild and de-Sitter back holes as two examples. Bearing the obtained relation for the Misner- Sharp mass in mind together with recasting the one-one component of the Rastall field equations into the form of the first law of thermodynamics, we obtain expressions for the horizon entropy and the work term. Finally, we also compare the thermodynamic quantities of system, including energy, entropy, and work, with their counterparts in the Einstein framework to have a better view about the role of the Rastall hypothesis on the thermodynamics of system.