2024 : 11 : 22
M. Reza Morshedloo

M. Reza Morshedloo

Academic rank: Associate Professor
Education: PhD.
Faculty: 1
Phone: +98 41 37278001


A Design of Experiment (DoE) Approach to Model the Yield and Chemical Composition of Ajowan (Trachyspermum ammi L.) Essential Oil Obtained by Microwave-Assisted Extraction
Trachyspermum ammi; essential oil; thymol; microwave-assisted extraction; fractionalfactorial design; central composite design
Journal Pharmaceuticals
Researchers Eugenia Mazzara ، ، Dennis Fiorini ، filippo maggi ، Riccardo Petrelli ، Loredana Cappellacci ، Giuseppe Morgese ، M. Reza Morshedloo ، Giovanni Filippo Palmier ، Marco Cespi


Ajowan (Trachyspermum ammiL.) is a spice traditionally used in Middle Eastern medicineand contains a valuable essential oil (EO) exploited in different fields, such as pharmaceutics, agro-chemicals and food additives. This EO is mostly characterized by the thymol to which most of itsbiological properties are related. Given the economic value of ajowan and its increasing demandacross the globe, the extraction method used for its EO is of paramount importance in terms of qualityand quantity of the final product. In the present study, we used the design of experiment (DoE)approach to study and optimize the extraction of the ajowan EO using the microwave-assisted extrac-tion (MAE), a novel extraction technique with high efficiency, low energy consumption, short processlength and low environmental impact. A two-step DoE (screening followed by surface responsemethodology) was used to reduce the number of experiments and to improve the cost/benefit ratio.Reliable mathematical models, relating the more relevant EO features with the extraction conditions,were obtained and used to identify the best experimental conditions able to maximize the yield andthymol concentration. The optimized MAE procedure assures an EO with a higher yield and thymolamount compared with the standard hydrodistillation procedure. (PDF) A Design of Experiment (DoE) Approach to Model the Yield and Chemical Composition of Ajowan (Trachyspermum ammi L.) Essential Oil Obtained by Microwave-Assisted Extraction. Available from: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/354017693_A_Design_of_Experiment_DoE_Approach_to_Model_the_Yield_and_Chemical_Composition_of_Ajowan_Trachyspermum_ammi_L_Essential_Oil_Obtained_by_Microwave-Assisted_Extraction [accessed Aug 22 2021].