مشخصات پژوهش

صفحه نخست /A One-Point Third-Derivative ...
A One-Point Third-Derivative Hybrid Multistep Technique for Solving Second-Order Oscillatory and Periodic Problems
عنوان مجله Journal of Mathematics
نوع پژوهش مقاله چاپ شده
Third-Derivative; Hybrid Multistep; Second-Order Oscillatory; Periodic Problems
Tis paper describes a third-derivative hybrid multistep technique (TDHMT) for solving second-order initial-value problems (IVPs) with oscillatory and periodic problems in ordinary diferential equations (ODEs), the coefcients of which are independent of the frequency (omega) and step size (h). Tis research is signifcant because it has numerous applications to real-life phenomena such as chaotic dynamical systems, almost periodic problems, and dufng equations. Te current method is derived from the collocation of a derivative function at the equidistant grid and of-grid points. Te TDHMT obtained is a continuous scheme for obtaining simultaneous approximations to the solution and its derivative at each point in the [x0, xN] interval integration. Te presence of high derivatives increases the order of the method, which increases the accuracy method’s order and the stability property, as discussed in detail. Finally, the proposed method is compared to existing methods in the literature on some oscillatory and periodic test problems to demonstrate the technique’s efectiveness and productivity.
پژوهشگران موفوتائو آجانیروفای (نفر اول)، علیشکری (نفر دوم)، ازکیل اولائلووااوموله (نفر سوم)