Introducing a risk aggregation rationale for mapping risks to aquifers from point- and diffuse-sources–proof-of-concept using contamination data from industrial lagoons
نوع پژوهش
مقاله چاپشده در مجلات علمی
Frameworks: DRASTIC, GWPI, Risk indexing, SPRC, Tiered risk (binary, graded and local)
Proof-of-concept for a methodology is presented on mapping risks to aquifers impacted from point- and diffusesources, where mapping or indexing refers to relative but not absolute values. The methodology is generic but tested by investigating impacts of a risk exposure from industrial wastewater lagoons. The methodology is innovative for using the qualitative Source-Pathways-Receptors-Consequences (SPRC) framework to aggregate risks from both point-sources and diffuse-sources through breaking down a study area into SPRC risk cells. In this paper, two risk cells are required as: (i) Cell 1 is directly impacted from a point-source; and (ii) Cell 2 is impacted by diffuse-sources to slowly contaminate the aquifer by infiltration over a large area. Indexing both types of risk cells generically comprise three tiered processes: (i) binary indexing establishes if a grid cell is at a potential risk or not; (ii) graded indexing measures the strength of the risk pathways from source to receptors; and (iii) local indexing measures intrinsic potentials at the grid cell to propagate the risk. These three processes apply to both point- and diffuse-sources but with different mathematical formulations. The proof-of-concept for the methodology of risk aggregation using the SPRC framework is supported by results of a study area, in which a set of performance metrics are used by comparing with the measurements. The results are found to be fit-for-purpose for serving as proactive management tools and to provide a deeper insight into potential impacts of adverse effects.
سینا صادق فام (نفر اول)، یوسف حسن زاده (نفر دوم)، رحمان خطیبی (نفر سوم)، مرجان معظم نیا (نفر چهارم)، عطاالله ندیری (نفر پنجم)