Here we consider a flat FRWuniverse whose horizon entropy meets the R´enyi entropy of nonextensive systems. In our model, the ordinary energy-momentum conservation law is not always valid. By applying the Clausius relation as well as the Cai-Kim temperature to the apparent horizon of a flat FRWuniverse, we obtain modified Friedmann equations. Fitting the model to the observational data on the current accelerated universe, some values for the model parameters are also addressed. Our study shows that the current accelerating phase of universe expansion may be described by a geometrical fluid, originated from the nonextensive aspects of geometry, which models a varying dark energy source interacting with the matter field in the Rastall way. Moreover, our results indicate that the probable nonextensive features of spacetime may also be used to model a varying dark energy source which does not interact with the matter field and is compatible with the current accelerated phase of the Universe.