مشخصات پژوهش

صفحه نخست /Non-minimal torsion-matter ...
عنوان Non-minimal torsion-matter coupling and wormhole solutions
نوع پژوهش مقاله چاپ‌شده در مجلات علمی
کلیدواژه‌ها Wormhole; non-minimal coupling; energy density; F(T) gravity; energy conditions.
چکیده Taking into account various energy density models in the framework of torsion-based modified theory, some wormhole solutions are derived and studied.We use a non-minimal coupling between matter and torsion in order to construct the wormhole geometry for constant, exponential and Lorentzian energy density models. Two sets of torsion dependent models, including (i) teleparalell case with linear forms of torsion scalar and (ii) a F(T) gravity with quadratic form of torsion scalar, have been considered throughout this paper. Our study shows that additional terms to the Einstein field equations, due to consider modified gravity, give us the opportunity of obtaining wormhole solutions which may be supported by baryonic sources. We also check the equilibrium phase of the wormhole solutions using anisotropic and hydrostatic forces. The details of the obtained results depend on the numerical values of the free parameters that the function F(T) holds.
پژوهشگران عبدل جواد (نفر اول)، هومان مرادپور (نفر دوم)