Inflation in the Re'nyi cosmology
نوع پژوهش
مقاله چاپشده در مجلات علمی
Universe expansion', 'dark energy', 'inflation'
The description of the accelerated phases for the current and primordial cosmos has been obtained in the framework of R´enyi cosmology. The results show that corrections to the Friedmann equations, originated from differences between R´enyi and Bekenstein entropies, can describe both the current accelerated and inflationary eras. The effects of these corrections can be appointed to a hypothetical fluid which is classically unstable. Although inflation can be obtained in R´enyi cosmology as the vacuum solution, the values found for the parameters of the hypothetical fluid which supports the current accelerated and primary inflationary cosmos differ from each other.
شایسته غفاری شویشه (نفر اول)، امیر هادی ضیائی (نفر دوم)، والدیر بی بزرا (نفر سوم)، هومان مرادپور (نفر چهارم)