مشخصات پژوهش

صفحه نخست /Resonant absorption of kink ...
عنوان Resonant absorption of kink oscillations in coronal flux tubes with continuous magnetic twist
نوع پژوهش مقاله چاپ‌شده در مجلات علمی
کلیدواژه‌ها Sun: corona – Sun: magnetic fields – Sun: oscillations
چکیده There are observational evidences for the existence of twisted magnetic field in the solar corona. Here, we have investigated resonant damping of the magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) kink waves in magnetic flux tubes. A realistic model of the tube with continuous magnetic twist and radially inhomogeneous density profile has been considered. We have obtained the dispersion relation of the kink wave using the solution to the linear MHD equations outside the density inhomogeneity and the appropriate connection formula to the solutions across the thin transitional boundary layer. The dependence of the oscillation frequency and damping rate of the waves on the twist parameter and longitudinal wavenumber has been investigated. For the flux tube parameters considered in this paper, we obtain rapid damping of the kink waves comparable to the observations. In order to justify this rapid damping, depending on the sign of the azimuthal kink mode number, m = +1 or −1, the background magnetic field must have left- or right-handed twisted profile, respectively. For the model considered here, the resonant absorption occurs only when the twist parameter is in a range specified by the density contrast.
پژوهشگران زانیار ابراهیمی (نفر اول)، کرم بهاری (نفر دوم)