The Effect of a Non-Isotropic Flux of Very High Energy Cosmic Rays on the values of Mean Shower Maxima
نوع پژوهش
مقاله چاپشده در مجلات علمی
Cosmic Ray Propagation, Simulation
In our previous works we described a statistical method to interpret the results of extensive air shower simulations. For an isotropically distributed flux of cosmic rays, we used this method to deduce diagrams of mean values of shower maxima versus energy decades. To have a more realistic result, we considered the e ect of a non-isotropic ux of cosmic rays at di erent energy ranges. This e ect was considered as a weight factor deduced from a set of observed data. We discussed about the e ect of this weight factor on our nal resulted diagrams of mean shower maxima and for di erent interaction models compared the resulted distributions of very high energy cosmic ray's mass composition.
پانته آ داودی فر (نفر اول)، کیهانک روشن طبری (نفر دوم)