In this paper, we used CORSIKA code to understand the characteristics of cosmic ray inducedshowers at extremely high energy as a function of energy, detector distance to shower axis, number, and densityof secondary charged particles and the nature particle producing the shower. Based on the standard proper-ties of the atmosphere, lateral and longitudinal development of the shower for photons and electrons has beeninvestigated. Fluorescent light has been collected by the detector for protons, helium, oxygen, silicon, calciumand iron primary cosmic rays in different energies. So we have obtained a number of electrons per unit area,distance to the shower axis, shape function of particles density, percentage of fluorescent light, lateral distri-bution of energy dissipated in the atmosphere and visual field angle of detector as well as size of the showerimage. We have also shown that location of highest percentage of fluorescence light is directly proportionalto atomic number of elements. Also we have shown when the distance from shower axis increases and theshape function of particles density decreases severely. At the first stages of development, shower axis dis-tance from detector is high and visual field angle is small; then with shower moving toward the Earth, angleincreases. Overall, in higher energies, the fluorescent light method has more efficiency. The paper providesstandard calibration lines for high energy showers which can be used to determine the nature of the particles.