Subordination method for the estimation of certain subclass of analytic functions defined by the q-derivative operator
نوع پژوهش
مقاله چاپشده در مجلات علمی
Analytic functions, Bi-univalent functions, Subordination method, q-derivative operator
In this paper, we investigate an interesting class of analytic and biunivalent functions in the open unit disk Δ which is defined using the q-derivative operator. We apply the subordination method to the functional of coefficients problem. Furthermore, we obtain the bounds of the certain functional of coefficients for functions in the class H q Σðλ, βÞ, for real and complex parameters. Also, an estimation for the initial Taylor and Maclaurin coefficients of functions in H q Σðλ, αÞ was given.
هرمز رحمتان (نفر اول)، علی شکری (نفر دوم)، حجاز احمد (نفر سوم)، تونقچیا بوتمارت (نفر چهارم)