مشخصات پژوهش

صفحه نخست /Study of catalytic activity ...
عنوان Study of catalytic activity of sea urchin-like α-FeOOH and NiO microspheres in luminol – O2 chemiluminescence reaction and their application for determination of sunitinib malate
نوع پژوهش مقاله چاپ‌شده در مجلات علمی
کلیدواژه‌ها Sea urchin-like α-FeOOH microspheres NiO microspheres Chemiluminescence Sunitinib malate Human plasma
چکیده In the present study, the synthesis of sea urchin-like α-FeOOH (U-FeOOH) and NiO microspheres (MSs) was performed, and their in uence on a chemiluminescence (CL) reaction, namely the luminol – O2 reaction, was demonstrated. This research marks the rst application of U-FeOOH MSs as a catalyst in a CL reaction. The comparison of catalytic characteristics of U-FeOOH and NiO MSs revealed that both types of MSs exhibit a comparable enhancement in light intensity of CL reaction. Two novel methods employing U-FeOOH MSs and NiO MSs were utilized to measure sunitinib malate (SM), an anti-cancer medication, using a luminol – O2 CL reaction. This study presents an initial report regarding the quantitative determination of SM by applying a CL method. The foundation of the CL methods lies in the quenching property exhibited by SM towards CL reactions. The method utilizing the U-FeOOH MSs – luminol – O2 system demonstrated a linear range between 2.00 × 10− 7 and 2.00 × 10− 5 mol/L. Similarly, the method employing NiO MSs – luminol – O2 system displayed a linear range spanning from 1.00 × 10− 7 and 1.00 × 10− 5 mol/L. The aforementioned systems were employed for the quanti cation of SM in both bulk powder SM and human plasma samples. The mechanism underlying the CL reactions was concisely elucidated.
پژوهشگران رقیه بابایی (نفر اول)، مرتضی ایرانی فام (نفر دوم)، مهدیه حسن پور (نفر سوم)